Posts in Podcasts
Podcast 16: Real Estate Brokerages – Is There A Future For In-Person Offices? With Donny Mangos

The real estate brokerage business is changing. The pandemic has forced people to adopt the progression of the internet, and more realtors are helping their clients buy and sell homes without ever having to step into a real estate office. Some other brokerages have actually closed their physical offices and moved to a purely online presence. Is this the future of the brokerage industry? Or will there always be a place for in-person brokerages?

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Podcast 15: How This Single Mother Of Two Started Investing In Real Estate

As a single parent in an expensive city, often the dream of home ownership is out of reach. But with careful planning and some creative strategies, it IS possible! In this video, I sit with Michelle Fairburn and her daughters Kamaia and Amoi to discuss the sacrifices they had to make to get on the home ownership train. We also talk about investing with other people's money, and how to make it big in real estate investing.

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Podcast 6: Achieving Bigger and Better Goals with Jamie Purvis

Life is hard. Especially as we head into uncertain times with a potential recession on the horizon, with record high interest rate hikes, and talks of the biggest real estate crash that we have seen in decades. How do you keep your mindset on the right path during uncertain times like this? How do you set big goals that make you uneasy, and how do you find out what your big why is?

Listen as we sit down with performance coach Jamie Purvis, one of my previous mentors and colleagues, as we discuss how to develop a winning mindset.

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Podcast 5: Are We Going To See A Toronto Real Estate Market Crash?

Everywhere you turn, you see the headlines about interest rates in Canada. The rapid rate of increase has been staggering. Even though the Bank of Canada warned us about it, almost everyone had been caught off guard by it. Join us as we sit with Rakhee Dhingra of Mortgage Savvy, to see what she has been seeing on the ground as a mortgage broker in Toronto.

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Podcast 2: Financial Literacy

Season 4, Episode 2: Financial Literacy: How to Make Sound Financial Decisions

Do you know the concepts of financial literacy? What should you invest in?
We all know that real estate is a great asset class, but coming up with the down payment is hard. How do you get started?

They don’t teach any of this stuff in school. Thank goodness I learned it early on. Listen as Ken talks to the team about financial literacy and how to make sound financial decisions.

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Podcast 1: Buyer's Remorse

S4/E1: Buyer's Remorse: as the market cools, what can buyer's do about it?

Welcome back to the podcast! It’s been a year since our last episode. Since then, we’ve been focusing on rapidly growing the team. Now that we have a great vibe going on, let’s talk about what happens when buyer regret their decisions.

Also in this episode, we talk about housing (un)affordability in Toronto, and what “affordable housing” even means.

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S3/E4: Rent-to-Own: Consider this alternate and secret strategy when the banks say NO!

Join Ken Yim with Terry Hepditch of HOS Financial inc. to talk about the Rent-To-Own program. This revolutionary program gives consumers an alternative option when the bank says “NO”!

In this webinar, we will teach you about some alternative borrowing options to give your family (or your buyer clients if you are a real estate agent) some options in to home ownership when it comes to financing.

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S3/E3: Toronto Rental Market Update As We Approach The End Of The Pandemic

In today's video, we will take a look at the current Toronto rental market status here in 2021 and also even take a look back at last year's numbers to see how we stack up and also see how we can move forward.

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